Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Duck Duck Bush!

It seems a dramatically fitting end to a classic tragedy, the presidency of one George Walker Bush. Ignoring his historic disapproval ratings, his general misuse of the English language, and his overall indifference to human life, one can gain incredible insight into the mind of America's 43rd presidency through a brief analysis of the now infamous shoe attack.
Don't get it twisted, Bush is a master of evasion. Where, at once, I thought it was a matter of verbal acrobatics, social privilege and cowardice, it is apparently rooted in a deep physical ability as well. If you're like me, you have watched the size ten attack anywhere between 50 to 75 times (if not, then you need to catch up!). I've concluded that only a jack rabbit ass, draft dodging, WMD loosen, recovering alcoholic could manage to evade the cow hide projectile, thrown with incredible velocity and accuracy, with such in-human like speed and efficiency. Even more interesting than that, was the engaged, almost amused look he was sporting after resurfacing from the first projectile, a narcissistic arrogance, one of those, "oh you thought I was sleeping" kind of looks, and then, bang, the next one came just as quick. The whole attack lasted a mere two and a half seconds. Within that brief moment however, we were treated to an array of mental states, from surprise to shock, from humor to incredulity, and ultimately, an ecstatic elation.
To witness the vulnerability of the head of the so called "free world" must have hit an incredible chord with all of the children, mothers, sisters, uncles and cousins, all of whom have suffered, innocently, at the hands of a dehumanizing foreign policy. A policy that has lost the ability to differentiate friend from foe, truth from fiction, or salvation from sin. To have that one moment, where the fear of their world is shared, and felt, by one of its chief architects, must have been an accomplishment with incredible repercussion. A sense that we are are living in the times when the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Incredible! Or as the French say, "Encroyable!"

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